Protecting Workers from Victim, Witness, and Domestic Abuse thru Contract Language
UFCW Local 663 bargaining committee members fought for language in their contracts that would protect workers from victim, witness, and domestic abuse. Here’s the language they fought for and won. Feel free to share and use when creating your proposals to protect each other...
UFCW Local 663 bargaining committee members fought for language in their contracts that would protect transgender rights while on the job. Here’s the language they fought for and won. Feel free to share and use when creating your proposals to protect each other at...
Minnesota bookstore workers ratify first union contract at Minnesota Half Price Books Stores
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, June 3, 2024 Workers sparked nationwide unionization efforts, win wages and job protections MINNEAPOLIS, MN – Workers from four Twin Cities Half Price Books locations ratified their first union contracts on Friday, May 31, 2024. Workers unionized with the United...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMay 10, 2024 Workers win increased wages and create pathways to better part time jobs Brainerd Lakes, MN –United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 663 union members at Quisberg’s and Miner’s grocery foods stores overwhelmingly ratified their union contract last week....
This April, we won a huge victory against Jerry’s! When Local 663 members in part time positions came forward and expressed they were not being offered the minimum hours that are stated in their union contract, UFCW Local 663 filed a grievance. The grievance...
UFCW Local 663 members had an incredible day of visioning One Union, training and beginning to build over 1000 Strike Captains in the Metro area and 500 in food processing by the end of this year. President Rena Wong and Secretary Treasurer Michael LaCoste...
Essential Grocery Store Workers Demand Fair Wages from Brainerd Cub Foods & Pequot Lakes SuperValu Grocer at State Capitol
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, March 5, 2024 Brainerd worker delegation calls upon Cub Grocer Chris Quisberg to negotiate for fair wages at Bi-Partisan Bag off event during MN Grocers Association’s Lobby Day St. Paul, MN –On Wednesday afternoon, a Brainerd Lakes worker delegation of...
UFCW Local 663 Essential Workers Ready to ULP Strike Brainerd Lakes Grocers Before Christmas
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDecember 20, 2023 Brainerd Lakes, MN –United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 663 essential grocery workers in the Brainerd Lakes area continue to prepare for a Christmas time ULP Strike. Workers announced the ULP strike dates last week because their rights...
Grocery workers reach tentative agreement with Lunds & Byerlys, averting strike planned ahead of July 4th holiday
June 27, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jessica Hayssen, 651-261-8559 Minneapolis, MN–Grocery workers who are members of UFCW Local 663 were slated to walk off the job Thursday morning at Lunds & Byerlys have reached a tentative agreement that would provide significant raises for...