Thank a Grocery Store Worker!

Leave a message for our front line grocery store workers here. We'll make sure to share your message with them!

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What our Members and People have to say about us!

I want to give a HUGE shoutout to my former Cub Quarry co workers! I miss you all and know you’re working hard...It’s been difficult and trying, and you deserve much more - keep plugging and dancing to those 80’s tunes when they pop on, and do a dance in the aisle for me!!!
– Crystal Davis
Thanks to all my fellow workers at Cub Foods Fridley. You are all hero's to me.
– Janine
Dear Grocery Store Workers,

Hello, my name is Paul and I am a college student in the Providence area. In this letter, I wish to thank all of you for your commitment and perseverance during this pandemic. Without the help of you, our communities would be in a lot of trouble. In this time of confusion and chaos, we are able to keep at least some type of normalcy by being able to get our groceries. Working a job that serves the public without much recognition is tough but in my eye, you are the heroes that keep our society moving.
Thank you for everything,
Paul Eom
– Paul Eom
I have been amazed with your dedication and patience these last 9 months! You have been placed in high-risk situations and often without the right protection (in the beginning). You have been patient with nervous and cranky customers. I appreciate healthcare workers, but I feel like essential workers that work in the grocery stores get little recognition. So THANK YOU! This pandemic I haven't had to worry about feeding my children because of you!
– Janelle
My family and I are extremely grateful to all of the people who work so hard to provide our groceries to us at our local Ralph's. We want to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving and thank you so much!!!
– Arianna Yanez
hey thank you for all you do to keep us fed. i am sorry for all the people who tell you that "you're lucky you have a job." it is actually we that are lucky to have you. i also apologize for those who do not respect boundaries, and those that endanger you while you are working. please know that for every one of those fools, there is also someone who is grateful for your perseverance and mindful of the situation you find yourselves in.
– lisa
Thank you for all that you have done! You are all beautiful people and we are truly grateful for your work, sacrifice, and effort!
– Kelley P
I am sorry about the people who may direct their frustration with the world at you. You are hardworking, important, and loved. Stay Safe. Stay Strong. Stay Kind.
– PJ (From the Poolesville C4 COVID Initiative)
Doctors, police officers, nurses and regular citizens like me, come into grocery stores everyday! We get food, medicine , entertainment or just time away from the house at your expense! Without you we would not have the strength to go out and perform front line or work from home positions. You all put your health at risk so that we can stay healthy both mentally and physically. Thank you for all that you do and I pray that God will continue to watch over you!

Zollie lll, Thelyssa and Q White
– Joyce R. Katchen and The Crew at Kroger # 540
Her store is:
Krogers 2100 Lowes Drive
Clarksville, TN 37040
Thank You for your service and great Customer Service Skills! Kroger North Augusta and Bilo Tabacco Rd.Augusta, Ga.
Joeanne Odom and Earl Kelley my family.
– Deidre Reese
Thank all essential gricery stire associates
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